Author - Nick Jeffrey

Nick Jeffrey

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Rural Alberta Advantage

Long time readers will recall that our fair province is teeming with craft breweries, with new ones opening every week. While breweries have historically been...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Local Winners

Summer is my favourite time of year.  We can drink beer on patios.  We can drink beer out on the dock.  We can drink beer and still have the sun shining...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Origin-al Recipe

Faithful readers may recall that my weekends are often spent making day trips to the veritable cornucopia of new craft breweries in our fair province, in what...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Coul Your Jets

As part of my ongoing quest to visit all the new craft breweries popping up in Alberta, I made an overnight trip to Lethbridge this past weekend. Heading south...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Roll Out The Barrel

Oak barrels and booze have a long and intimate relationship. Prior to the 3rd century CE, the storage vessel of choice for storage and transport of food and...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Incredible Italians

In the spirit of research for this weekly column, I subscribe to a few of those wine-of-the-month clubs. I was giddy as a schoolgirl last week, when a mixed...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Spirits of Italy

I was enjoying an evening at a fancy Italian restaurant with a large group last week, and I noticed several people ordering spirits instead of wine. Italian...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Brother Can You Spare A Wine?

Brothers can get a lot done when they work together. Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome. Wilbur and Orville Wright invented the airplane. Those...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Viva Valpolicella

In the days of my callow youth, there were many glasses of plonk table wine consumed without a second thought, as Alberta was adrift in a desert bereft of fine...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Plank Pose & Pints

The annual drunken bacchanalia of St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone for another year. I can only dimly recall how the days of my squandered youth were...