Patio season is fully upon us, and your intrepid liquor reporter has been taking full advantage of the sunny days, whiling away the afternoons with a cold pint...
Author - Nick Jeffrey
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Guzzling Gewürztraminer
Your intrepid liquor reporter has been taking full advantage of patio season, and will often be found whiling away the summer afternoons on a sunny deck with a...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Oenophiles Of Oregon
Your humble narrator was perusing the Californian wine aisle at my friendly neighbourhood booze merchant last week, when I spied a smaller section of wines...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Spirits of Alberta
Faithful readers may recall that your intrepid liquor reporter has been waxing poetic about the endless stream of new craft breweries popping up in our fair...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Alluring Amarone & Ravishing Recioto
Your humble narrator attended an Italian wedding last week, and tasted two very different wines made from the same grape. Fans of Italian wines may be familiar...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Buzzed Beer
Your intrepid liquor reporter was sampling the wares at the Calgary International Beer Festival last week, when a particular brew style caught my eye. After...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Cinco de Mayo
May is shaping up to be an exciting month. The snow has all melted, and the lake will soon be seeing recreational boaters and windsurfers galore. While not...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Calling For Cava
Your intrepid liquor reporter was madly swiping right on Tinder last week, which resulted in a first date at a new Spanish restaurant on Calgary’s hip...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Alberta Beer
We are living the land of plenty. Plenty of beer, that is. Yes, gentle reader, our beloved province is now home to more than 60 breweries, quadrupled from just...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Show Me Some Shōchū
Your humble narrator was visiting a new sushi restaurant last week, along with my usual group of ne’er-do-well drinking companions, when our server...