Chestermere’s beloved Halloween attraction, Dr. Giggles’ House of Pain, is back this October for its seventeenth consecutive year. Known for creating a...
Author - Staff Writer
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Residents of Chestermere will face temporary traffic disruptions on Chestermere Boulevard starting Monday, October 14, 2024, due to construction tied to Phase...
Thanksgiving weekend in Chestermere was marked by a rare celestial treat, as the highly anticipated Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas graced the western...
Chestermere residents have reported several bobcat sightings throughout 2024, prompting city officials to issue guidance on how to safely coexist with these...
Photography is more than just snapping a picture. It’s about telling a story, evoking emotion, and capturing a moment in time that can be cherished forever...
As Alberta approaches the fall, health-care workers are feeling demoralized and exhausted. The looming respiratory virus season threatens to overwhelm an...
n an effort to strengthen local governance and ensure that law enforcement is more reflective of the communities it serves, the Alberta government has...
Exciting developments are underway in Chestermere as the city council has officially approved new sites for a high school and recreation centre in Dawson’s...
Two men arrested in connection with a fatal shooting near Calgary on August 6 will face trial together, a decision announced by Crown prosecutors during a...
In a bold move aimed at addressing the ongoing harm caused by residential school denialism, NDP MP Leah Gazan has introduced a bill to criminalize the act of...