Author - Steve King

Steve KingSteve King was President and Founder of Community Therapy Dogs Society, a volunteer with Lions Foundation of Canada and a dog trainer.

Columnists - Steve King

Why do dogs howl?

So lying in bed the other night, at around 11:30 Finn lets out this almighty howl in his sleep. This was primal wolf like stuff! So it got me thinking, outside...

Columnists - Steve King

Cycling with dogs on leash

There are some things people do to dogs that make me seethe. And whether they do these things through ignorance or simply to be malevolent, it matters not to...

Columnists - Steve King

Dogs’ gurgling tummies

Who of us hasn’t woken up in the morning sometimes only to find our stomach’s rumbling. Unless you have an underlying medical issue, the normal cure is to eat...

Columnists - Steve King

Hiking with your dog

Now that Mother Nature has decided we have had enough of winter, thoughts turn to getting out into nature. For a lot of you this may translate into hiking...

Columnists - Steve King

Grooming during COVID-19

Yes I know the last thing you want to read about is yet more stuff on COVID-19 but I couldn’t resist looking at the question of grooming during the pandemic...

Columnists - Steve King

Dogs as teachers

Living with a dog can best be described as an on-going learning experience. Your dog learns where its boundaries are and what various commands mean. Humans...

Columnists - Steve King

Are you a dog person?

It seems to me that there are two types of people: those that love dogs and those that are either afraid of or don’t understand dogs. I guess you could argue...

Columnists - Steve King

Is your dog a lefty?

In the human world, 90% of people are right handed and 10% left handed. But what about dogs? A 2006 study from the University of Manchester in England showed...

Columnists - Steve King

Knowing your dog

We have a 13 month old granddaughter who is just starting down the road of saying her first words. Although to us it sounds mostly gobbeldy gook, to her mum...