Author - Steve King

Steve KingSteve King was President and Founder of Community Therapy Dogs Society, a volunteer with Lions Foundation of Canada and a dog trainer.

Columnists - Steve King

Why THAT dog?

Whether you set a New Year’s resolution to like everyone or not, with the best will in the world it is extremely unlikely that you will in fact like everyone...

Columnists - Steve King

New Year dog resolutions

Whether you believe in New Year resolutions for yourself or not is your choice. However, when it comes to looking after your dog, Dr. Ernie Ward, DVM on the...

Columnists - Steve King

What’s a dog for?

In 2012, John Homans wrote a book entitled “What’s a Dog For?” looking at how dogs have evolved over the centuries. Not being a history buff I decided to...

Columnists - Steve King

Dog wishes for 2020

Although New Year resolutions don’t figure in my planning, there are a number of dog-related wishes I’d like to throw out there for 2020: • For those with...

Columnists - Steve King

Christmas thoughts from Finn

Something is going on. Two weeks ago my mom and dad started moving furniture around in our family room to make space for this green thing in the corner. I hear...

Columnists - Steve King

Audrey the therapy dog flies

A while ago one of our Community Therapy Dogs volunteers, Amy, contacted me about a flight to Winnipeg she was planning, to visit her mom who was sick. She was...

Columnists - Steve King

Travelling with your dog

As we approach the Christmas holiday season, many of you will be looking to travel to see friends or relatives and are wondering about the pros and cons of...

Columnists - Steve King

Winterizing your dog

So whether you want to admit it or not, winter is here again! At this time of year, there is much talk of winterizing your cabin, your car, your sprinkler...

Columnists - Steve King

Introducing a 2nd dog

You’ve had your dog for a while but feel it may be missing the company of another dog, particularly during the daytime when you’re at work. Before you take the...

Columnists - Steve King

Pets and pats

Everyone knows how to pet their dog, right? Well apparently that’s not always the case. But, I hear you say, isn’t it just a case of stroking my dog or patting...