You’ve fallen over it. You’ve tripped over it. You’ve accidentally rammed your chair into it. We’ve all done it, it being your dog. So why do dogs want to be...
Author - Steve King
Steve King was President and Founder of Community Therapy Dogs Society, a volunteer with Lions Foundation of Canada and a dog trainer.
Columnists - Steve King
The Zoomies
We all know that dogs do strange things at times. When I say “strange”, what I really mean of course is “inexplicable to us humans” as there is always a reason...
Columnists - Steve King
Here in this house
I recently came across an ode on how to treat a dog kindly, which I would like to share with you. Although written by volunteers at a dog rescue, I feel it...
Columnists - Steve King
As with humans, around 80% of a dog’s body is water.As “Dogtime” states “Water is essential to help dissolve and carry substances throughout your dog’s body...
Columnists - Steve King
Dogs and magnetism
No, I’m not referring to dogs’ magnetic personalities, although the way that people get “drawn in” by dogs is certainly true. I’d like to discuss how dogs are...
Columnists - Steve King
In recent weeks we have all been made aware of the terrible humanitarian situation in Afghanistan since the Taliban retook control of the country. I do not...
Columnists - Steve King
When the grand dogs come to stay
It’s always an interesting experience when dogs come to stay if you have a dog of your own. Will they get along together or will WW3 break out at any...
Columnists - Steve King
National Dog Day
Every year National Dog Day is celebrated on August 26th. This celebration was created in 2004 by Colleen Paige, a Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal...
Columnists - Steve King
Dogs receive the Order of Merit
Every so often I come across a story which is both heartwarming and features unknown heroes. This month two dogs, Alfie the English Spaniel and AJ the...
Columnists - Steve King
Pandemic puppies
COVID, as we know, has affected people in a variety of ways. As far as we can tell, the most significant and positive effect for dogs has been that they have...