A Judy Niemeyer quilt immediately draws you in with the intricate designs and angles, but you may feel a little unsure if you should attempt creating one...
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Chestermere, AB – As seven high risk boats were identified in Alberta as potentially carrying invasive mussels on the May long weekend, the City of Chestermere...
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie This novel takes place in 1971 during China’s Cultural Revolution in a poor village on a high...
We all know the stigma behind the New Year’s Resolution; if you set any goals for yourself, chances are you will not achieve them. Weight loss goals...
Though we may not be a city that has a traditional main street, with a false front hotel, post office and train station, Chestermere’s past is one of the...
Flowering Rush is a weed that has already been found in Chestermere Lake. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development says that it can quickly “form dense...
To quote historian Harry Sanders, If you know the past of the place where you live, you care about it more. You recognize, it isn’t just mine, it...
St. Gabriel students were treated to a thrilling Friday full of students who were somewhat new to floor hockey to the serious and skilled. Near 100 students...
Anemia is a condition that affects your red blood cells. It occurs when your blood doesn’t have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red...
On Thursday May 14th three members of the Chestermere Historical Foundation, as part of the school visit program, presented to the grade 4 classes at Rainbow...