Exams are in full motion in as high school students are studying for their semester finals and provincial diploma exams. At Chestermere High School, the...
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On January 24, Chestermere will come alive with winter activities during the community’s annual Winterfest celebration. In addition to favourite...
Why don’t diets seem to work? “Going on” a diet is not the answer to losing weight. This is because the weight is soon regained after you...
When I started this book, I was thinking oh no, not another difficult to read story about the horror and destruction of war. However, I was pleasantly...
This week’s article is about expectant moms, newborns, and infants. If you want to practice true preventative medicine you have to start before children...
What would we do without a newspaper, either print or electronic, to keep us in touch with what is happening in our community? Sure, today we have Facebook...
Chestermere’s Town council announced this year’s recipient of the annual Dave Mikkelsen award on December 15. Megan Desplanque, a 28-year-old...
What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis occurs when the inside of the bones become porous and thin from a loss of calcium (see the picture below). This is called...
Parents of students at St. Gabriel the Archangel (SGA) Jr. and Sr. High School know that small acts of kindness often have much larger consequences that...
Watch this space for the release of our new website; we hope to release it early in 2015. There will be a list of board members, contact information, links to...