Looking for summer activities and a way to express your creative side? This summer the Town of Chestermere Community Services is launching an arts pilot...
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Hey, is everyone tired of the cold winds and cool days we been having, I’m sure am. But that’s Alberta weather for you. I think all the farmers...
The Chestermere RCMP are investigating a theft of a ski boat and trailer which were stolen from the south ditch of Highway 1A near Rainbow Road. The ski boat...
On Friday, May 25th, 2012, students and staff from St. Gabriel the Archangel participated in the second annual “SGA Cup”. The event, which is...
Ever wondered who your next-door neighbor is? Block parties are a great way of cultivating community relations. Having someone nearby that you can turn to is...
When you attended the Chestermere Country Fair did you ever wonder who decides which quilt is best, which jam tastes tastiest, or which piece of woodwork has...
By Jen Peddlesden Red Ribbon Coordinator Although the Chestermere Country Fair is the longest running event in the Chestermere community, some of you may not...
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail kept Chestermere Historical Foundation from putting on a BBQ! The Chestermere Historical Foundation along with the...
Our spring sports season at St Gabriel is well under way, with Badminton just finishing, Track and Field just starting, and Boys Soccer ongoing. Silver...
Vegetables will be sprouting in the freshly tilled soil in the new home of the Chestermere and South East Rocky Views Community Garden. Residents can join...