Emma Ilsley, 11, Nolan Ilsley, 9, and Katelyn Ilsley, 6, created a sign of hope that can be seen from their home in Chestermere for their neighbours and other...
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Spare time on your hands? Kids need something interesting to engage them that is a bit different and of local interest? Try the Chestermere Historical...
Mayor Marshall Chalmers announcement March 18, 2020, Alberta Health Services released more detailed information about the COVID-19 cases in Alberta...
Chestermere Public Library105B Marina RoadChestermere, Alberta T1X 1V7403-272-9025www.chestermerepubliclibrary.com Online Resources Available! Many of us will...
Catch the Next Wave A Social Club for people 50+ years Guests & New Members Welcome! Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30 am to 12:00 noon...
On Feb. 28, $2,848.16 was donated to the Chestermere Regional Food Bank from No Frills, Loblaw Companies, and Chestermere residents from the Holiday Food Drive...
The government of Alberta is modernizing the province’s liquor laws following the Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis Amendment Act, 2020 announcement on Feb. 26...
March 8th, 2020 Varsity Varisty Girls Basketball (Mr. Isbister) The Lakers Sr. Girls Basketball team got back into action this past week with the beginning of...
Chestermere’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategist, Joanne Kinya Baker organized the city’s celebration of International Women’s Day on March 5...