Rosebud has chosen the delightful tale of, A Christmas Story, as their festive holiday feature for this year. This show, written by Philip Grecian, is a...
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“It was an exciting evening with Warden’s first visit with Mel Foat to our Lions Club. It’s a pretty special event as the club has been able to sponsor Warden...
Football (Mr. Ledieu) Lakers Football beat W.H. Croxford 11-9 in a windy and rainy game on Friday. The Lakers defense was fantastic coming up with a last...
Here at the Chestermere Public Library, we are constantly looking for ways to make the most of every dollar. Upon reviewing our hours of operation, we have...
No matter where you stand on the planet, you are on a watershed. It is the land area that supplies water to a particular river or lake and ultimately to an...
October 20, 2019 Football (Mr. Ledieu) Lakers football was off this week. They work towards their game against W.H. Croxford in Airdrie at 4:00pm on Friday...
I will be writing an article once a month highlighting the Field Upgrade Project and alumni achievements in athletics. If I miss anyone competing at a post...
Football (Mr. Ledieu) Lakers Football lost a high scoring game to the George McDougall Mustangs 43-27. Logan Bennett found Nathan Porterfield twice and Connor...
Football (Mr. Ledieu) Lakers football went to Medicine Hat this week to take on the Crescent Heights Vikings in exhibition play. While the Lakers lost 25-0...
September 22, 2019 Golf (Ms. Everson) Congratulations to the Chestermere High School Golf team on a successful day competing at the South-Central Zone...