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Local News

Langdon School – Welcome back

Welcome back to school! It is hard to believe we just came off our summer vacation. As I child I remember “time” being something that sped up in...

Local News

Red Ribbon Competition wrap up

It was a beautiful sunny day for a banner Red Ribbon Competition and Chestermere Country Fair. There were so many entries in the Red Ribbon that judging went...


Counselling Combats Stress

Counselling Services provide support, education and skill-building to individuals, couples and families. Two of the areas that counselling helps with, are...


Photo-graphic: “The Long Stretch”

The climbing ability of these COY ( cubs of the year ) never ceases to amaze me. They seem to be at home in the trees as much as they are on the ground. Caught...

Local News

Langdon Club News

Upcoming Activities & Events Balanced Fitness for Seniors – A class for all abilities focusing on strength and balance – All ages are welcome Tuesdays and...

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