Over half a million Albertans don’t have a family doctor, stressed families are waiting for hours...
Author - Vamini Selvanandan
Dr. Vamini Selvanandan is a medical doctor, a proponent of healthy public policy and an engaged citizen. She provides health care in small towns and rural communities to improve the health and well-being of Albertans. She is Chair of the Canadian Public Health Association and past-president of the Bow Valley Primary Care Network.
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
Choosing health over corporate profits
January is a month when many of us promise we will try harder to become or stay healthy. We make New Year’s resolutions to eat better and lose weight. But by...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
Choosing health over corporate profits
January is a month when many of us promise we will try harder to become or stay healthy. We make New Year’s resolutions to eat better and lose weight. But by...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
A Family Physician for Every Albertan
All some people want for Christmas is a family doctor. A report released earlier this month from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) shows...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
Climate change is a health crisis
As we cope with extreme heat waves and unpredictable wildfires this summer, it is hard to deny that climate change is a reality. With record setting high...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
Avoiding low-value healthcare: sometimes less is more
You can’t get enough of a good thing. Or can you? In Canada, we use public funds to pay for diagnostic tests, surgeries and many medical treatments so it is...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
Is our government working for Albertans?
This month marks a year since the United Conservative Party won the provincial elections under Danielle Smith. Affordability and health care were the top...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
Housing is a human right
With asylum seekers dying waiting for shelter space in Mississauga and single mothers denied rental housing in Halifax, Canada’s lack of affordable housing is...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
We are sick of sick notes
There is one thing doctors and patients can readily agree upon: we both hate sick notes. Patients loathe waiting long hours in overcrowded waiting rooms to...
Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan
Overconsumption drives our environmental crises
We live in a time of multiple environmental crises: global warming, natural resource depletion, pollution and biodiversity loss. Far from being unrelated...