Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Bully for Barbaresco

While browsing the aisles of my local bottle shop, I came across a Barbaresco wine that I remembered fondly from last year’s vacation to Italy, so I naturally...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

He’s Diving in the Buff!

The smallest of Canada’s diving ducks, and perhaps the scarcest one in the nation as well, the Bufflehead is truly a striking wildfowl species. Known as a sea...

Columnists - Chantelle de Jonge

Budget 2025

Last week, Alberta’s government introduced Budget 2025 with the theme “Meeting the Challenge”. As Alberta navigates economic uncertainty and a rapidly growing...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Gose Riders in the Sky

I recently made a day trip to Drumheller to show off the badlands and dinosaur museum to some visitors from out of town, and after learning all about the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Nibbles and Nebbiolo

Looking for a last-minute bottle of wine while en route to a dinner party last week, my local bottle shop just happened to have a wine rep pouring samples from...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

The Big & The Beautiful

May canoe paddle of Long Bay, a popular part of Cold Lake, provided an opportunity to enjoy the company of waterfowl. With my entry-level Canon Rebel paired...