Category - Columnists

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA reports October 25

Hello Chestermere! This past week 35 000 Cambodian Canadians held events all over Canada to commemorate the 27th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreement. In...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Blessed Bourbon

We are living in the golden age of whisky.  Gone are the days of pounding cheap rye & ginger ale highballs while rockin’ out to Lynyrd Skynyrd on the...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report October 18

Hello Chestermere! It has been an incredible week between the Carbon Tax rally, the Stop Bill C-69 rally, the Special Olympics Alberta Awards, Rocky View...

Columnists - Steve King

Feel good stories

During our therapy dog work in the community, we observe some amazing events or get feedback from people that can put a smile on your face (or a tear in your...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Tipples and Turkey

October is a big month for indulging, with not one, but two separate holidays that revolve around eating and drinking with family and friends. Halloween is...

Columnists - Steve King

Companion Dogs

In past weeks we’ve looked at both therapy and service dogs. This week let’s dive into the third category of “people helping” dogs:...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report October 11

Hello Chestermere! As I write this week’s article, there is fresh snow on the ground, and I am so grateful to the men in my family for taking the time to...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

People are Real

What is real? This might sound like the question posed by the professor of a freshman philosophy class, but it’s a question we are confronted with...