Dogs: you either love them or hate them. Are they part of the family or a creature to be avoided at all costs? Over the coming weeks, I’ll be doing a...

Dogs: you either love them or hate them. Are they part of the family or a creature to be avoided at all costs? Over the coming weeks, I’ll be doing a...
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far. I have been enjoying meeting with you at the many parades, rodeos, and other events that take place across...
Cleopatra and Ptolemy. Cain and Abel. Sherlock and Mycroft. Ann Landers and Dear Abby. Bart and Lisa. History is full of great sibling rivalries. The...
I must have been going a million miles an hour, and I probably hit the ramp with at least the force of a locomotive, because when I hit the ground and rolled...
What do you see when you walk through your neighbourhood? The start of any good thing in your community often begins with seeing your place in a new way. When...
Hello Chestermere! Did you hear that…! It is Stampede time, and we are in full swing. I hope you get a chance to get down to the grounds this year and...
With the trade wars jacking up prices on imported goods, I am again reminded of the wisdom of thinking globally, but drinking locally. Alberta is blessed with...
Hello Chestermere! First of all I would like to say “Wow!” Canada Day was such a success. The weather held out, and several thousand of you came...
Happy Canada Day! I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating our 151st year of confederation. I was happy to celebrate our nation’s birthday at...
Being a servant is not something most people aspire to. To serve another person might feel like a demeaning task, so we avoid it and steer clear. Let’s...