Category - Columnists

Columnists - Martin Shields

Kinder Morgan and Bill C-75

I’m sure you have heard the big news on the Trans Mountain Project: the Prime Minister has decided to spend $4.5 billion of your tax dollars to buy the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Rural Alberta Advantage

Long time readers will recall that our fair province is teeming with craft breweries, with new ones opening every week. While breweries have historically been...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

The Optimists

If you want to care for your community, you need to be an optimist. Optimism is more than just naive positivity, however. It is activated hope, courage, and...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report June 7

Hello Chestermere! Congratulations!  You own a pipeline!  That is correct, for the bargain price of $4.5 billion dollars in old infrastructure, plus...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Listening to Your Community

Some neighbours become friends for years, others we greet politely as we pass. No matter how we connect with those who live in our neighbourhood, how we...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Local Winners

Summer is my favourite time of year.  We can drink beer on patios.  We can drink beer out on the dock.  We can drink beer and still have the sun shining...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Origin-al Recipe

Faithful readers may recall that my weekends are often spent making day trips to the veritable cornucopia of new craft breweries in our fair province, in what...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report May 24

Hello Chestermere! I want to send out a huge shout out to the Al-Madinah Islamic Assembly for inviting me to break their fast with them last night. I was so...