Category - Columnists

Columnists - Chantelle de Jonge

Alberta Budget 2024 released

Alberta Budget 2024 released on February 29 builds the schools, hospitals and roads Alberta’s communities need today and can rely on as they grow. With a...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

The Butt End of Birding

Anyone who has been outdoors taking pictures of birds and wary wildfowl invariably knows that there will be numerous photos end up in the recycle bin. Giving...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

I’m Going Hungarian Gray

While with Dad driving north of Rife, in his ‘65 Chevy Biscayne up Range Road 74 during an early spring morning in 1969 to ice fish near Pelican Point on Moose...

Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan

We are sick of sick notes

There is one thing doctors and patients can readily agree upon: we both hate sick notes. Patients loathe waiting long hours in overcrowded waiting rooms to...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

Listen to the “Music

Now that we are a few weeks past the winter solstice, the shortest day of any year is but a memory. From the solstice on we gain a few seconds and then...

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