Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Savouring Sicily

Your humble narrator was dining at a fancy Italian restaurant last week, when the tuxedoed server suggested pairing the first course with a Sicilian wine...

Columnists Sports - Sandy Macdonald

Feature Golfer, John Dalby

This week I am featuring my friend John Dalby, who along with his girlfriend Alison, are visiting us from Bristol England. Last October my wife and I visited...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

International Beer Day

If your humble narrator could ever marry a specific day of the year, that day would be the first Friday in August, also known as International Beer Day. Yes...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report August 24

Hello Chestermere, This week I would like to speak about a very important issue, but first I hope you had a chance to check out Alberta Open Farm Days. We have...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux


Bravery and courage are not just for heroes, they are character qualities available to everyone. In fact, a courageous acts can turn a moment into a memory, a...

Columnists - RollyAshdown

County report August

There is an Election coming up in the next few months, Oct 16th to be exact, that’s when you choose who will represent you on Rocky View County Council...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report August 17

Hello Chestermere! I am so sorry that we missed our chance to write to you last week. It has been a busy couple of weeks, and Chestermere has been bustling...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

In Good Hands

This morning we heard a ‘thud’ on our living room window. I knew right away what it was. A bird hit our window. I winced as my three year old asked...