Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

International IPA Day

There was a momentous occasion in beer culture a few weeks back, and your humble narrator certainly made the most of it. Yes gentle reader, August 3 was the...

Columnists Sports - Sandy Macdonald

Golf: driving for distance

There has been a lot of talk lately about driving distance on the PGA tour. Last week at Firestone, Rory was bombing it and was touted as the favourite at the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey


Your intrepid liquor reporter was visiting one of his favourite drinking establishments last week, when an opportunity to sample the local hooch was presented...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

The Journey

Everyday we pass through our neighbourhoods: rows of homes and vehicles, the same ones as yesterday, they roll by and lull us into a sense that there is...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report Aug 3

Hello Chestermere! I cannot believe it is already August.  This beautiful weather sure brings out all the fun summer beverages and combine that with many a...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

It’s All About the Kids

Funny little known fact: I was the soap box derby champion of Saskatchewan in 1992. I was eleven years old and for a brief moment in time, I was on top of the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Okie from Muskokie

Faithful readers will recall that your intrepid liquor reporter is always ready to appreciate a local craft beer, whether it be from right here in Alberta, or...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Show Me The Chasselas

Now that the Calgary Stampede has come and gone for another year, your long-suffering liquor reporter can resume the serious summer business of enjoying some...