Your humble narrator recently explored his inner Scotsman. There was haggis. There was fine scotch. There were hairy legs poking out of a kilt. No, gentle...

Your humble narrator recently explored his inner Scotsman. There was haggis. There was fine scotch. There were hairy legs poking out of a kilt. No, gentle...
Every year my wife and I try to visit beautiful green spaces. Some are pricey tourist attractions, some are pristine protected nature preserves, while others...
Like most beer drinkers, your intrepid liquor reporter spends very little time thinking about hops. Much like oxygen, or your regular late-night booty call...
Already an interesting start to the year, I was watching some show on TV and one of the A & W commercials came on where the burger guy was skating and...
Hello Chestermere! I would like to begin by noting that Hayley Wickenheiser, who has made all Canadians so proud and taught so many girls that there is nothing...
When I left home to study I took a big step away from my family and into the great unknown. I had a few dollars in my pocket, an unreliable (but cool) Jeep...
In the beginning, man invented beer, and it was good. Sure, there were a few kinks they had to work out. The first two ingredients were grain and water. After...
Hello Chestermere! Happy “Carbon Tax”—oh, I mean “New Year” everyone. We are in month 20 of this NDP Government and it has been a...
“Daddy, look at me right now!” I was working in my office and was deep into a project. In the midst of emails, phone calls, writing, and running to...
Your humble narrator attended a New Year’s Eve party recently, and made sure to bring plenty of sparkling wine to ring in the new year. While everyone...