Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Vinho Verde

The face of Portuguese wines has been changing over the past decade, with fortified Port wines falling out of favour in world markets, leaving the winemakers...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report July 7

Hello Chestermere! As we head into the summer months, I would like to take the opportunity to say what a privilege it has been for myself and my staff to serve...

Columnists - Sandy Macdonald

Watching the PGA tour

This week I would like to talk about the PGA tour and what is perhaps the greatest season of golf to watch! Already we have been treated to some fantastic...

Columnists - RollyAshdown

Rocky View County Report May

I had the pleasure of attending a few great Celebrations last weekend, in the Park in Langdon a Group opened a time capsule that was put there 33 years ago. It...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report June 30

Hello Chestermere! Another interesting week has come and gone. I had the great privilege of attending the Aboriginal Day Potluck Supper in Redwood Meadows. In...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Summer Sparklers

The arrival of summer has brought with it the dog days of summer, with extended hours for outdoor drinking. While chugging beer on a sunny patio is a time...