Category - Columnists

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Slow and Steady

While I hope this doesn’t sound too wishful, the end of winter is near.  With a weekend of double digit temperatures and a forecast full of warm weather...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Lo-fi Neighbouring

Years ago, when I was studying in Vancouver, one of my professors had a simple way of connecting with his students that has stuck with me for years. He and his...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Get Your Irish On

As we lumber towards another Saint Patrick’s Day, your humble narrator contemplates all things Irish. Having drank my fill of green beer back in the...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report March 10

Hello Chestermere! Do you ever think of all the things you use in a day that are made out of petro-chemicals?  It is truly amazing when you think of your daily...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA Report March 3

Hello Chestermere! This was a very interesting week. The Government, with no understanding of what is appropriate, decided to drop the writ for the election in...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Get Flexible

I am not at all flexible and I spent a great number of years of my adolescence and adult life unable to touch my toes. Growing up I was always considered one...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Parka People

Years ago, to pay my way through college, I spent my summers working at my local grocery store. While it seemed like everyone else was out in the sun, I was...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Peru For You

Your intrepid liquor reporter was out at one of those fancy wine tasting events recently, and came across an entire table of Peruvian wines. Now, your humble...

Columnists - Submitted Story

Take heart, you will be forgiven

 It had to be the longest 36 hours in history. The guilt must have been unbearable. His self esteem must have been lower than low. Thoughts of ending it all...

Columnists - RollyAshdown

Rocky View County report February

Some of you have noticed the Langdon ASP is underway, others may not care, but you should. An Area Structure Plan is the guiding document that Rocky View...