We all like to be alone once in awhile. Getting away from the duties of our life and finding a moment to simply ‘be,’ is sometimes more valuable than...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Take Ten Steps Back…Stay
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report January 29
Hello Chestermere It has been a very busy, very interesting week. We are (finally!) finishing the Christmas turkey soup, putting away the Christmas...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Whisky of Islay
Your intrepid liquor reporter has been sampling many a wee dram of whisky, whiskey, hooch, white lightning, moonshine, Scotch, Rye, Bourbon, and pretty much...
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report January 21
Hello Chestermere! Nice to see the days getting longer. Time to haul out the seed catalogues and start planning your garden! Remember it’s not too late...
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
Fitness with Restrictions
A few weeks ago I wrote about training while sick: sometimes we need to listen to our bodies and take a rest. There are times when our bodies need a bit more...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
The (Still) Golden Rule
For thousands of years we’ve had neighbours and neighbourhoods. Whether it was the cavemen next door who made loud noises until all hours of the night...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Alberta Distilling
Things are looking up in the state of spirit distillation in Alberta. Sure, your intrepid liquor reporter keeps tending to his hillbilly moonshine still...
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
What’s your excuse?
Fitness should be fun! I am not the first to tell you that exercise and being fit is vital to health and feeling good so we should want to be fit, right? So...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Belonging Everywhere
My wife and her brother love the Calgary Roughnecks. Each year they get season tickets and plan their lives around the next lacrosse game. Decked out in the...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Pining For Penfolds
It is hard to talk about Australian wine without a mention of Penfolds, one of largest and oldest wineries from the land down under. It all began back in 1844...