Category - Columnists

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Confession Time

I have fallen off the wagon. My fitness goals, my eating habits, everything has completely been thrown out the window. I have preached through weekly articles...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Core Strength

Have you heard all the talk about the importance of a strong core? Are you just a little bit confused on what this means? Do you even know what your core is? A...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Curiosity Lives

Have you heard the saying, “curiosity killed the cat?” It has been used for generations to warn children of danger. As a boy, visiting a large pig...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA Report Nov 12

Hello to all my constituents. Those of you who attended the Cenotaph dedication last Friday saw the culmination of almost 6 years of hard work by Ray Hessler...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey


Faithful readers may recall your intrepid liquor reporter’s long appreciation of both beer and the fairer sex. As you can imagine, last month’s...

Columnists Features - Bruce McAllister

Hey Bruce

It’s been about six months since the Provincial election. Six months since Conservative Albertans split their vote, and effectively ushered in an NDP...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Halloween is Awesome

Halloween is that time of year where we collectively spend 2.5 billion dollars on candy, costumes, and party supplies. I remember almost every halloween as a...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA Report November 5

Hello Chestermere! I am sure the local dentists are going to have a booming week looking into the mouths of the young and old to see if toothbrushes made their...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Yay For Cabernet

Wine labels can be a source of confusion for the average boozer. The snooty old-world countries like France put the name of the village or wine region where...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween! My kids are so excited. They have had their costumes picked out for months, the house is all spooked out and we picked out a couple of the...

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