In the last few weeks, I wrote different articles on cardio training, strength training and flexibility. From these articles I have had a lot of questions...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
The Best Workout Ever
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
Tracking Progress
Look in the mirror, do you like what you see? What kind of mood are you in? That will make a difference on how you see your reflection. Did you have a great...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Nuts For Ninkasi
Beer goes way back. Further back than the summer of love. Further back than the roaring 20s. In fact, there is evidence of beer production in ancient pottery...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Kraft Dinner
A decade ago I lived and studied in Vancouver. Like all of the students I knew, we were on a budget and Kraft Dinner was often the go-to feast on any given...
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
What Does Being Fit Mean?
Each week I write an Article related to fitness, nutrition and healthy lifestyles. So, what is the big deal anyway? Why should we care about being fit...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Words We Use
Words have a particular kind of potency. Words are powerful, they can build someone up, or they can tear them down. We have used words to get our way, and we...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Bubble Buddies
Summer is a time of garden parties, wedding dinners, graduations, and other special occasions that call for sparkling wines. For casual boozers, the only...
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
Preparing for Success
We headed to the mountains this week for the first time this year. Typically, we would have made this trip a dozen or so times by now. With two new babies this...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
As a young eight year old in Regina, Saskatchewan, my best friend and I came up with a plan: we were going to catch our very own pet gopher. We had visions of...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Stray Kat Strut
Hollywood has the Oscars. Music has the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The computer industry has the Consumer Electronics Show. Even those saucy late-night pay...