Category - Columnists

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA Report Sept 17

Hello All This week we all awoke to the various images of Syrian Refugees that have died trying to reach safety. Men, women and Children of all ages and...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux


My wife and I went to a Cirque du Soleil show. From the start to the end, this show was pure sugar for the senses; a rush of colours, live music, super-human...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

What is Your Goal?

I stumbled across an article the other day about a 73-year-old woman that set a Powerlifting record with a clean deadlift of 181.5 pounds. My first thought was...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Beer On The Rock

Your globetrotting liquor reporter went on one of those newfangled Internet dates with a salty-tongued Newfie lass, who had retained her unique accent despite...

Columnists Local News - Leela Aheer

MLA notes – Sept 10

Hello to all! As we prepare our kids, prepare lunches, scurry around, bark out last minute orders about back packs, inside shoes, take a quick picture, and...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Keystone Neighbours

Several years ago my wife and I spent time in France. We traveled to Juno beach where my relatives fought in World War Two to liberate a small town along the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Sassy Saison

Your intrepid liquor reporter was browsing the shelves at my friendly neighbourhood booze merchant, when I came across a six-pack of Saison from...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Back to School

Here we go, it is back to school time already. While part of me is sorry to see that summer is already coming to an end, another part is looking forward to...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

Constituents report from the MLA

Greetings to all my constituents! My office is here to help you! Let me begin by saying I was extremely saddened and shocked to hear about the untimely death...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Six ways to welcome your new neighbour

This fall in Chestermere we’re expecting that hundreds of new people will be making Chestermere their home. We think they made an excellent choice! For...