Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Stray Kat Strut

Hollywood has the Oscars. Music has the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The computer industry has the Consumer Electronics Show. Even those saucy late-night pay...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Deep Waters

Sunday morning arrived with a crack of lightning and a torrent of worries for many people in Chestermere. Water levels rose and first covered the road down our...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Don’t Lose Yourself This Summer

The sun is shining and days are much longer. With the kids out of school, barbecues, picnics, patio drinks and other social gatherings filling the calendar...

Columnists - Steve Jeffrey

War Of the Rieslings

Other than the history nerds in the audience, few people remember the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. For that matter, few people remember the short-lived Kingdom...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Excuse me

I was recently standing around a neighbour’s kitchen with a number of people I’ve come to know, and enjoy. One of my neighbours proposed a toast...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Champagne Supernova

The gently rolling hills of Champagne, nestled serenely in the French countryside have something new to be thankful for, in addition to the sparkling wine they...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez


Just breathe! I think that might be a song. Don’t worry I am not about to start singing. Breathing is obviously something we all do. Most of the time it...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Messy Neighbourhoods

Elbow deep in new soil, and tending to bad sun-burns, I’m surprised that gardening has become one of our favourite activities. My wife and I love to root...