This is the time of year that your intrepid liquor reporter ends up with a lot of booze and cream in his system. Perhaps it is the cold weather that makes me...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Creamy And Dreamy
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Thai Me Up! Thai Me Down!
While doing his annual rounds of all the Xmas parties he can wrangle invitations to, your intrepid liquor reporter ended up at a fancy Thai restaurant with 50...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Seasonal Cheers and Beers
Your intrepid liquor reporter loves this time of year. No, gentle reader, it’s not that I’m partial to the snow, treacherous roads, and cold...
Columnists - Kevin Sorenson
The Federal Gas Tax Fund
Our Conservative Government has just completed the renewal of the agreements with the Provinces and Territories regarding the federal Gas Tax Fund and the...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Bewitching Beaujolais
Your humble narrator was chatting up a cute wine rep at a snooty wine tasting event last week, and she poured me a glass of Beaujolais. For those not in the...
Columnists - Bruce McAllister
The growth of our community is visible everywhere
Last weekend I had the pleasure of joining our mayor, several council members and Chestermere residents to take part in the grand opening of the new No-Frills...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Sweet Wines
When asked, most people will say that they prefer dry wines to sweet wines, which helps explain why dry wines outsell their sweeter counterparts by a factor of...
Columnists - Kevin Sorenson
Harper Government Releases Economic and Fiscal Projection
Edmonton, AB – The Honourable Kevin Sorenson, Minister of State (Finance) and Member of Parliament for Crowfoot, welcomed the Harper Government’s...
Columnists - Kevin Sorenson
Veterans Week 2014
During the month of November, Canadians come together to honour those who have sacrificed to make our world a safer place. I encourage everyone to visit...
Columnists - Bruce McAllister
A time for reflection
I always find November, and Remembrance Day, to be a great time for reflection. It’s a time to reflect on where we come from, how we have grown as a...