I get a lot of interesting questions about weight loss from clients, friends, family members and even emails and Facebook posts from strangers. One of the more...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
Smart Choices
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
International Beer Day
If your humble narrator could ever marry a specific day of the year, that day would be the first Friday in August, also known as International Beer Day. Yes...
Columnists - Kevin Sorenson
Bringing Common Sense to Firearms Licensing
Law abiding and responsible firearms owners and users in our riding are welcoming Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney’s changes to Canada’s gun...
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
Just breathe! I think that might be a song. Don’t worry I am not about to start singing. Breathing is obviously something we all do. Most of the time it...
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
Nothing Can Replace The Work
I am frequently asked for my opinion or suggestion on Fitness Apps and tools. I am familiar with (what I thought was) quite a few of them and even use a couple...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Sweet Summer Sangria
Your humble narrator has been revelling in the warm days of summer, and enjoying all the licentiousness that comes with this time of year. BBQs and garden...
Columnists - Kevin Sorenson
Harper Government Brings Common Sense toFirearms Licensing
Camrose – The Honourable Kevin Sorenson, Minister of State (Finance) and Member of Parliament for Crowfoot, welcomed the coming-into-force of an expanded...
Columnists - Bruce McAllister
PCS end three year wage freeze for senior managers after just one year
We’re in the middle of the dog days of summer. I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine as well as some quality time with friends and family. We have...
Columnists - Bruce McAllister
10 years anniversary, Alberta used to be debt free.
July 12th, 2014 was the 10-year anniversary of the day Ralph Klein declared Alberta debt-free and established this province as a responsible fiscal powerhouse...
Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez
Get Off the Scale
Are you obsessed with the bathroom scale? Do you step on it weekly, or even daily, to check your progress? Are you giddy with excitement or downright depressed...