Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Exemplary Etiquette

As part of keeping up-to-speed on booze culture, your intrepid liquor reporter must perform frequent reconnaissance at seedy watering holes, keggers, raging...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Dom Pérignon

Like most people, your intrepid liquor reporter generally only breaks the Champagne out of the cellar for special occasions. A milestone birthday recently...

Columnists - Tricia Ingram

Plants with Purple Foliage

Plants with burgundy, plum colored, or dark purple foliage are becoming increasingly popular. People often come in and ask “what’s that shrub with...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

The Last Few Pounds

I have been really good about working out. I have been eating clean. I just can’t seem to lose these last pesky pounds. Does this sound familiar? Do you...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Merry For Sherry

Your intrepid liquor reporter was out performing research at my favourite wine bar, when I noticed they had a new page in the menu dedicated entirely to Sherry...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Why Hire a Personal Trainer

There are thousands of websites and magazines focused on helping people lose weight and get fit. Many websites will take your personal information and goals...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Why I Choose Fitness

It’s 5AM on a Sunday morning and my alarm just woke me. It’s my day off; I don’t work on Sundays and I definitely don’t want to be up...

Columnists - Bruce McAllister

Message to Grads of 2014

Let me start with a giant congratulations! Graduates of 2014, you made it. You are closing the door on your K-12 education, and looking forward to new doors...