Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Enjoy It In The Can

Your intrepid liquor reporter was recently on one of those newfangled Internet dates with a young lady of Heineken-soluble morals. Close to the end of the...

Columnists - Mansoor Ladha

Journalism is a risky occupation

Journalism is a risky occupation, especially for those who are assigned overseas in trouble areas. Those of us who are privileged to work at home under safer...

Columnists - Tricia Ingram

Amazing Houseplants part 3 of 3

“Cactus” – the word drums up all sorts of images. The romantic will envision scenes of towering saguaros in the Texan landscape, barrel cacti in...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Benefits of Weight Training

Do you incorporate weights into your workouts or do you think lifting is just for the hard core muscle types? Do you worry that lifting too heavy will make you...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Fun In Flatlandia

Your globetrotting liquor reporter visited the thriving metropolis of Saskatoon last week, and made sure to check out the local grog while I was there. Yes...

Columnists - Tricia Ingram

Amazing Houseplants part 2

Last week, we talked about what a houseplant actually is – namely a plant that natively grows outdoors in warmer climates and which we import to our indoors...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Give HIIT a Chance!

Did you catch my article in The Anchor last week about the Hamster Wheel? Did I leave you wondering what you should be doing for cardio? If spending more and...