Category - Columnists

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Just Like a New Toy

I just bought a new MAC, finally! I have always been a PC girl but have wondered if the grass on the other side (MAC) was any greener. I have flirted with the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

A Day For Arthur

Your intrepid liquor reporter has been noticing a lot of manufactured booze-related holidays pop up on the calendar over the past few years. Sure, there are...

Columnists - Patricia Matthews

Mayor’s Message September 2013

There has been a rather alarming problem plaguing lakes in Southern Ontario and it has to do with little creatures called Quagga Mussels. While you may be...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Even the most creative practical jokers coerce an ally or two to partake in mischief, even if it is for distraction of the victim. There is no fun in being a...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


I liked laths. Father didn’t. They made excellent bats for cheap balls, stream diggers, stake markers, goal posts, target holders, but especially swords...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Marvelous Mezcal

Faithful readers may have noticed that Canada is undergoing a rapid fancy-fication of the available booze. Yes, gentle reader, gone are the days of the same...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


My imaginary friends and I invented a game we called Gout. We got sick of Mother’s chronic pleading, “Go out.” It served two purposes for her...

Columnists - Patricia Matthews

Mayor’s Message

Typically August is a slightly slower month in Chestermere for the Town staff and Council; a time when work catch-up is done and projects are completed in the...

Columnists - Submitted Story

Visiting Wine Country in Warmer Climes

Wine tasting is much more than a hobby for some people. Dedicated wine tasters know all the secrets. There are so many varieties, flavors, and locations that...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

Common Fitness Myths

After two weeks of discussing fitness goals, I know everyone of you has identified your goals, and are building a plan to achieve them. You will hear a lot of...

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