Category - Columnists

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Only a few select barefoot soles of souls in this great country will have experienced the joys of perfect crud. If toes could talk, they’d ramble on...

Columnists - Mansoor Ladha

King’s dream still unfulfilled

August 28, 2013 – the world paid tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King for delivering his iconic speech, “I have a dream.” Thousands of civil rights...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Time To Chill Out

If there is one thing that is drilled into wine drinkers in their formative boozing years, it is that white wine is served chilled, and red wine is not. Your...

Columnists - Bruce McAllister

‘Chequetember’ upon us again

It always seems to sneak up on us parents, but back to school is here. It’s time to get our kids, regardless of their age, back on schedule and back to...

Columnists - Tricia Ingram

Gardening Through The Seasons

One of my fondest memories as a young girl growing up in the prairies was visiting my grandma’s country garden. A lifelong gardener, Donna Mae (as she is...

Columnists - Tricia Ingram

The Noble Bee

Have you noticed how much press bees have been receiving in the past couple of years? Ever wonder why there is so much hullabaloo going on about these buzzing...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

International IPA Day

There was a momentus occasion in beer culture last month, and your humble narrator certainly made the most of it. Yes gentle reader, August 1 was the third...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


This word has to be the most overused and manipulative one in the political world. “The facts are people in my area are saying I should vote for the...

Columnists - Tamara Gutierrez

What is Your Goal?

I stumbled across an article the other day about a 73-year-old woman that set a Powerlifting record with a clean deadlift of 181.5 pounds. My first thought was...