Category - Columnists

Columnists - Mansoor Ladha

Defiant Malala has a bright future

Very few teenagers could boast of what 16-year-old Pakistani girl, Malala Yousafzal, has achieved in her short life. The United Nations has declared July 12 –...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

BBQ and Beer

Your intrepid liquor reporter munched on a lot of BBQ beef buns and slow-roasted pulled pork sandwiches during the many Stampede lunches I attended in early...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Going Dutch

There is more to The Netherlands than windmills and little Dutch boys sticking their fingers into dikes. Yes, gentle reader, I am speaking of Dutch beer, which...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


The ancient peoples who invented rituals to be performed at dawn most definitely didn’t live above the 49th parallel, that vindictive wintery place where...

Columnists - Mansoor Ladha

When the phone rings…

I love to hear innovative and refreshing voices when I dial someone and get a voicemail. A well-thought voicemail greeting can make a positive impact on your...

Columnists - Kevin Sorenson

Pushing Back the Flood Waters

Although the recent flood waters directly affected a very small area in our riding of Crowfoot, our hearts and prayers go out to the folks in Calgary and...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Think Globally & Drink Locally

Canada Day was a more somber affair than usual this year. Rather than a day of Bob & Doug McKenzie jokes about hosers while swilling beer in the back...