Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

40 Beers for 40 Years

ooking back four decades, I can dimly recall that 1985 was quite the year. Madonna and Huey Lewis were on the top of the charts. Cheers and the Golden Girls...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

Donald! Is There a Dearth of Ducks?

eeing a number of bird and wildfowl species, but we noticed that “Daffy Duck”, seemed remarkably absent in quantity. We’d find most of the two dozen Alberta...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Que Syrah Syrah

While at a recent meeting with my regular tippling posse, someone pulled out a few bottles of really old Syrah, and challenged us to a blind tasting against a...

Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan

Choosing health over corporate profits

January is a month when many of us promise we will try harder to become or stay healthy. We make New Year’s resolutions to eat better and lose weight. But by...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy


One City of Calgary Park that provides excellent opportunities for nature lovers is Carburn Park, located in the Riverbend community, nestled between the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Fun With Furmint

One of my regular drinking companions grew up in the former Eastern Bloc, coming of age in the final days of the Cold War, when booze from decadent capitalist...

Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan

Choosing health over corporate profits

January is a month when many of us promise we will try harder to become or stay healthy. We make New Year’s resolutions to eat better and lose weight. But by...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

A Feathered Romance

When I hear the word “harlequin”, two memories come immediately to mind. The first is looking at the massive Harlequin Romance novel collection, lovingly owned...