Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Beers of New York

Your globetrotting liquor reporter decided to jet away to NYC for the recently passed New Year’s Eve. As you might imagine, in a city of over 8 million...

Columnists - Mansoor Ladha

Now that hockey is back…

You don’t miss it until it’s no longer available and that was the story of NHL hockey lockout, which wiped out the first four months of what should...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Some of my former imaginary friends and enemies could speak. They had squeaky voices from dry air, insensitivity toward my feelings, and clouds of confusion in...

Columnists - Bruce McAllister

We don’t have a revenue problem

Happy New Year, and here’s hoping this finds you happy, healthy, and holding steadfast to whatever resolutions you set for yourself this year. One of my...

Columnists - Patricia Matthews

Mayor’s Message- January 2013

Happy New Year everyone! This month we’ll be publishing the final set of results from the 2012 Community Survey, “Have Your Say”. These...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Central American Beer

Your globetrotting liquor reporter is penning this week’s column from a swim-up pool bar in Costa Rica. My paramour, who was raised on a steady diet of...

Columnists - Kevin Sorenson

Inviting Local Input for Budget 2013

Happy New Year to everyone and may 2013 be a prosperous one for you and your family. The good news so far this year is that Canada’s largest trading...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Gonzo for Guaro

Your intrepid liquor reporter decided to ring the New Year in with a bang this year, so I picked up one of those last-minute flight deals to a beach town in...

Columnists - Mansoor Ladha

Indian Spring that was long overdue

The 23-year-old Indian rape victim, whose name has not been released by police, has been compared to Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian street vendor who set off...