Category - Columnists

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Cussing was only habitual for this individual for about a year – something about adolescence and limits. As soon as a curvy girl in a red dress told me she...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Tease Me Tawse

Welcome, gentle reader, to the much-awaited first liquor column of the New Year. This is the perfect opportunity to reflect upon the many wines you enjoyed...

Columnists - Mansoor Ladha

Time to cure the U.S. gun sickness

Christmas is a happy time to get together with family and friends, but the recent massacre of 20 innocent children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut, puts...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Cognac For Christmas

Whenever your intrepid liquor reporter is hosting family and friends over the holidays, there always seems to be a recently-gifted bottle of Cognac that gets...

Columnists - Tricia Ingram

Frankincense and Myrrh

In the last article, we examined frankincense and the interesting cultural, biological, and historical associations with this product. This week we look at...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Now oft outlawed but once prevalent initiation rites, whether it is to a cult, a school, a sorority, a not-so-secret secret service organization, or a tree...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Wee Heavy

Your intrepid liquor reporter has been partaking in a bit of the Wee Heavy lately. No gentle reader, I’m not referring to the bygone days of my callow...