Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Oaked Beer

You may have witnessed one of those stuffy wine snobs taking a sip from a carefully swirled glass, then exclaiming to all within earshot that this particular...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


With ocean waves, wavy comes in degrees. Not just the waves, but peoples’ perceptions too. It’s always amazing how assorted people at different...

Columnists - Kevin Sorenson

Standing Up to Immigration Fraudsters

I am preparing for the Autumn Session of Parliament in Ottawa that begins on Monday September 17 with a meeting of the Conservative National Caucus before the...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


(Hurt) Some stupid people like to declare there’s no such thing as a stupid question. They’re plain wrong – wrong as leopards having zebra...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Canadian Craft Beer

Your globetrotting liquor reporter is penning this week’s column from the sunny shores of Vancouver Island, where I am enjoying a weekend junket to the...

Columnists - Tamara Gehring

Why You Should Hire A Personal Trainer

If you’ve just made the decision that now is the time that you’re going to work towards the goal of getting in better shape and bringing your body...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Maritime Moonshine

Faithful readers may recall that your intrepid liquor reporter is a transplanted Maritimer. Like many other eastern folk that arrive in Alberta, I wasted no...