Category - Columnists

Columnists - Steve King

Giving thanks

Tis the season of Thanksgiving so I thought it appropriate to share my thoughts on what I am thankful for in the canine world: Volunteerism: many dog-related...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Alberta Distillers

In the squandered days of my callow youth, our world-class rye and barley crops were used mainly as cattle feed, with nary a thought given to craft beer or...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Sow Seeds Every Day

A friend of mine, and a great lover of neighbourhoods, passed away suddenly and tragically last month. Matthew Gillette was a young father, pastor, and...

Columnists - Michelle Eldjarnson

What is a seller’s market

A seller’s market comes into play when there are more buyers than properties available.  A simple case of supply and demand where there is a lack of...

Columnists - Steve King

A Perfect Compromise

Every so often I come across articles which I can relate to and make me smile. An article by Paula Girolo in “” falls into this category. Enjoy! “I...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLS report November 23

Chestermere Strathmore Readers… Please find below MLA Aheer’s member statement regarding the EMS system. “Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Like the rest of our health...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Time For Tempranillo

I was so looking forward to communal tippling with friends as the fourth wave fizzles out, only for Alberta to be hit with its first nasty winter storm. ...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

This Moment

Christmas, for all the jingle bells, snow, and Walmart shopping that goes with it, can come with a kind of malaise. A stuck-ness, some might say. We feel the...

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