As we begin a new year, let me throw down a challenge to all of us. Rather than being quick to criticize and slow to praise, let’s work hard to flip that...

As we begin a new year, let me throw down a challenge to all of us. Rather than being quick to criticize and slow to praise, let’s work hard to flip that...
This month marks the 150th anniversary of the Fuggle hop varietal, perhaps the most quintessential strain of hops in British ales. Much like grape...
There are times in our life when we must race. To get to work on time, to finish a project for the big presentation, to get your 6-year-old to their T-Ball...
A little history about the Olympics: Legend has it that Heracles, son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene, founded the Games. The Ancient Olympic Games...
Most of our neighbourhoods are made up of ‘in-between’ spaces. Alleys, boulevards, ditches, power-lines, and service ways are unused and not easily appreciated...
This is the month that December babies dread, with their birthdays overshadowed by the Xmas holiday, resulting in halfhearted combination birthday-Christmas...
Yes, it’s that time of year when we give some thought to those areas of our life that maybe need some improvement or we have not tried so far. But how about...
On February 11, 2020, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses adopted the official name of SARS-CoV-2, meaning “severe acute respiratory...
It is often discussed “How do I know who to chat with when I have mental wellness concerns?” To clarify the dilemma, here it is: A Counselor is a person that...
Dear Bow River Constituents, As the first five sitting weeks of the 44th Parliament come to a close, Canadians are no closer to getting an answer from...