This past summer, a devastating wildfire swept through Jasper, causing extensive damage to this beloved mountain community and a proud symbol of Alberta. While...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Chantelle de Jonge
Back in Session
Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy
“Butterbutt”? You’ve Got To Be Kidding!
Moving to southern Alberta about a half dozen years ago, with birding a part of the motivation, we did not anticipate the surprising number of species that...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Tipples and Turkey
October is a big month for indulging, with not one, but two separate holidays that revolve around eating and drinking with family and friends. Halloween is...
Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy
“Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life, bright the hawk’s flight on the empty sky” ~Ursula K. Le Guin
During the last half of August, Elaine and I scour each power pole, each light pole, every fence post and the naked branches of dying aspen trees, looking for...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Any Port in a Storm
Taking advantage of what might be the last sunny weekend before autumn, I gathered with the usual suspects in my backyard to observe Port Wine Day on September...
Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy
The Gulls Are Back in Town
Often ignored due in part to its abundance at certain times of the year, the Ring-billed Gull is one of sixteen species of gulls that visit Alberta. With their...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Rhymes with Orange
While searching the wine cellar for something out of the ordinary, I made a fortuitous discovery of a cache of orange wines tucked away on a dusty shelf, just...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Pinotage for my Entourage
Always eager for a reason to uncork a bottle, my page-a-day calendar reminded me that it was time to oberve International Pinotage Day, the uniquely South...
Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy
The Inspiration
Early in our lives there are inspiring individuals, events and at times nature’s creatures that motivate us to pursue a career or a hobby. Although I’ve really...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Sour Power
few months back, with Calgary-based Dandy Brewing and Lacombe-based Blindman Brewing joining forces. This was not quite a merger or an acquisition, more of a...