Category - Columnists

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Lighting the Hearth fire

There is something important in the domestic rhythms of life. It is in our homes and in our neighbourhoods where we are formed, made, and perhaps even where we...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report Nov 9

Hello Chestermere Strathmore Readers… I want to thank the City of Chestermere and the Chestermere Rec Centre for hosting such a successful event…the Pinty’s...

Columnists - Steve King

The Iditarod

Arguably the most demanding race on the planet, the Iditarod is a sled dog race which takes place each March in Alaska, between Anchorage and Nome, a distance...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA update November 2

Even a drop of water can erode a mountain” – Dr. Nnorom, a physician and black team lead for the faculty of medicine at the University of Toronto...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

It’s All Greek To Me

With the fourth wave winding down, I celebrated by emerging from the safety of my wine cellar with a bottle of Greek wine to enjoy with Greek take-out for...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Neighbourhood Manifesto

Creating an amazing city or neighbourhood is less about a silver bullet solution and more about rediscovering a lost art. A few years ago I sat down and wrote...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Keep Calm and Carignan

As the fourth wave of the pandemic begins to subside, I am cautiously optimistic about emerging from the safety of my wine cellar, where I have remained...