Category - Columnists

Columnists - Steve King

Dogs help with crop disease

From the time seeding is complete until harvesting is over, arable farmers worry about the state of their crops. Will there be too much or too little rain...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report – July 20

Congratulations to all Albertans!  We are the first province in Canada to lift all health restrictions and fully reopen the economy for all families and...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

All About Albariño

July has been a crazy month, with the so-called heat dome scorching much of western Canada with temperatures approaching 50˚C in parts of BC, and in the high...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

The Pursuit of Happiness

Where does happiness come from? A few years ago my wife and I sat down over several days to do a little happiness audit. We wanted to try and figure out what...

Columnists - Steve King

The warmth of a dog’s love

Recently I had to spend three days in Rocky View Hospital (RVH) due to an unexpected and unwanted kidney stone. Although excruciatingly painful at the time...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Rum Dinger

With the blistering temperatures of the heatwave now safely behind us, I reached out to the fully vaccinated members of my boozing posse last week to celebrate...

Columnists - Martin Shields

Summer, House of Commons adjourning

Summer is here and the House of Commons has adjourned. But not before the Liberal government made some very underhanded moves. Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have...

Columnists - Steve King


If your dog has ever seemed transfixed by an object, be it overhanging foliage, a tablecloth, or curtains, and walked toward it in very slow motion, then...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report – Canada day

There has never been a more important time to reflect. To show solidarity. As I stand with you this year before elders, knowledge keepers, families, friends...

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