Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Kossovan

Interviews Are Modern Greek Tragedies

Odds are the person interviewing you has a similar story as mine—they developed their interviewing skills “on the job.” Executives and managers are...

Columnists - Steve King

Children with dogs

(Part 1 of 2) I am a big fan of children getting to know and love dogs at an early age. This can lead to a wonderful long term relationship between the dog and...

Columnists - Martin Shields

Touring Bow River Riding

Over the past few weeks while the House of Commons had not been sitting, I have been touring around Bow River riding visiting with many people, businesses, and...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report April 19

Hello Chestermere-Strathmore readers.  I have written to many of you regarding some of the concerns you have, and I am so grateful every day to respond to...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Here Is My House Key

I was going to the grocery store and while walking up to the grocery cart, I noticed something on my key ring. It was a key that’s been there for a long time...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Malbec Marathon

I have spent the early days of the third wave of the pandemic cloistered in my wine cellar like a medieval monk, surviving on fermented grains and grapes...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report April 13

Hello Chestermere-Strathmore readers. DivisivenessAnger for the sake of anger Premier Kenney and Honorable Minister of Health Shandro announced on April 6...

Columnists - Steve King

Why dogs sneeze

We all do it and so do dogs: sneeze. The difference is dogs don’t sneeze into their elbow, they just let it all out (yuck!). As Claudia Kawczynska (Editor-in...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

International Whisk(e)y Day

I have remained sequestered in my wine cellar while the third wave of the pandemic rocks Alberta, emerging only to accept the grocery and booze orders from the...

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