Although it is getting closer and closer to warm weather here in Calgary, these cold windy days still have me dreaming of beautiful warm beaches. Experiencing...

Although it is getting closer and closer to warm weather here in Calgary, these cold windy days still have me dreaming of beautiful warm beaches. Experiencing...
We each have something special, unique, and remarkable about us. Call it a built-in gift, capacity, or perspective that has real power to influence the world...
Pollinators are a vital part of our city. Bees, butterflies and birds are partners and allies in making our city a thriving place for everybody. New...
As Alberta continues to reach new heights in the third wave of the pandemic, I have remained cloistered away in the dusty solitude of my wine cellar, emerging...
You may have given blood yourself or volunteered at a blood donor clinic but did you know that dogs also give blood? In 1996 the Canadian Animal Blood Bank...
We have been getting lots of feedback from clients about when they might feel comfortable enough to take cruise. Although many still have lingering memories of...
My wife, Kelly, served as a medical relief worker in Haiti and Brazil, but some of her best stories came from a year she spent working with farmers in Zambia...
As the third wave of the pandemic becomes increasingly apocalyptic, I have remained isolated like a crazed hermit, emerging wild-eyed and unshaven from my cave...
Hello Chestermere-Strathmore readers, I wanted to discuss the recent update on the coal policy engagement and the suspension of all coal exploration in...
(Part 2 of 2) So, let’s continue where we left off last week, with more safety tips on how to avoid negative interactions between children and dogs: Dealing...