Category - Columnists

Columnists - Steve King

Puppy to dog

So, you buy a puppy: ball of fluff, cute as a pin. You know at some point the growth has to stop, but when? And will your puppy ever mature into a calm...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report March 30

Hello, Chestermere and Strathmore readers.  This week’s weather was Alberta’s finest display of the saying, “if you don’t like the...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

The Chester Mirror

It was April 1, 2017 that The Chester Mirror’s first article appeared, as if out of nowhere, onto the scene. It was funny, local, and creatively absurd. It was...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Good Old Saint Paddy

While I wait out the 3rd wave of the pandemic from the safety of my windowless basement, the annual St. Patrick’s Day bacchanalia last week was the most sedate...

Columnists - Steve King

Where to walk your dog

From the time we got our first dog, we committed to walking him/her twice a day, unless we experiencing extremes of weather. And for the most part we have...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report March 23

I hope that you have been enjoying the weather this week, put on your rubber boots, and have taken some much-needed walks outside in the puddles, meeting...

Columnists - Martin Shields

Light at the end of the tunnel

Spring is around the corner! That means warmer weather and the opportunity to begin participating in events and activities. We all want to go back to the way...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux


Maps lie. That’s the unexpected and bold statement my professor told me as we looked at a map on his wall. He was an amateur map enthusiast who had a passion...