Category - Columnists

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey


When the news came out about Alberta going into lockdown again, I immediately activated my pandemic response plan.  No, I did not stock up on toilet paper...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey


If 2020 was a drink, it would be a Baileys and lime juice.  Or maybe a red wine mixed with Diet Coke.  Or whatever terrible cocktail you can think of...

Columnists - Steve King

Christmas Dog Movies

This Christmas season looks like it’s going to be pretty quiet for a lot of people so why not get comfy and binge on some of the best Christmas dog movies...

Columnists - Martin Shields

2020 wrap up

The year 2020 is FINALLY coming to a close. For many people in our riding, it’s been a very tough, unusual, and stressful year. The pandemic and the lockdown...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report December 17

Hello Chestermere-Strathmore I have been blown away by the outreach to small business at this difficult time. I have also been shopping on line, locally, and...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

A Patient Patient

Waiting hurts. It takes a certain strength of character to wait and assume the painful cost of sitting on the sidelines or letting another go first. Even the...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Franc and Earnest

With Alberta doubling its daily COVID infection count from 1000 to 2000 in just a few short weeks, I am continuing my lonesome hermitage at home, with naught...

Columnists - Steve King

Dogs’ jaws

Stating the obvious, jaws are there to crush food into a swallowable size. But have you ever wondered whether a dog’s jaw (or bite) is stronger than a human’s...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Free Air Life

There is a Norwegian word that I’ve added to my vocabulary: Friluftsliv. While I certainly cannot pronounce it (I’m told it’s sounds like free-luftz-leev), I’m...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

OK With Beaujolais

Every day of this accursed pandemic gives me a new reason to drown my sorrows in wine!  Alberta has the dubious honour of being the national hotspot...

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