Trust is foundational to healthy communities and thriving neighbourhoods. When we know that the people who live nearby have our best interests at heart, we can...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Trust Them
Columnists - Steve King
Why do dogs howl?
So lying in bed the other night, at around 11:30 Finn lets out this almighty howl in his sleep. This was primal wolf like stuff! So it got me thinking, outside...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
No Groanies For Negronis
I spent the first week of June cautiously venturing outside the house, rediscovering simple pleasures like my first patio burger and beer in ten weeks...
Columnists - Baljinder Sull
Who Am I? Grieving The Loss Of Identity Following Job Loss
The concept of identity is a complex one as it comprises many things. Our identities are made up of our personal beliefs, values, social relationships...
We observe dogs chewing their feet as a matter of routine and maybe think nothing of it. But should we be concerned? Like so many dog related questions the...
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report June 4
Hello Chestermere-Strathmore. I am writing this article as we are receiving an emergency update about a tornado in Wheatland County. I hope that this next...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Day For Chardonnay
After ten weeks in isolation, the lockdowns are slowly being relaxed, and I have already shown my support for local businesses by visiting the brewery tap...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Missing Out
Life offers us a mirror. It is a gift to look inward and reflect on who we are now and who we are becoming. This mirror reveals what drives us, what makes us...
Columnists - Steve King
Cycling with dogs on leash
There are some things people do to dogs that make me seethe. And whether they do these things through ignorance or simply to be malevolent, it matters not to...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Kith and Kin
As this pandemic season lingers, some of us are hoping for our favourite store or restaurant to reopen. We want to return to normal. Around our home, my young...