Everyone has been impacted by the worldwide pandemic to some extent, and norms have been drastically shifted. People are struggling with job insecurity...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Baljinder Sull
Make Bread…Or Don’t!
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report April 23
Hello Chestermere-Strathmore readers. I would like to start off by sending my deepest condolences to those families who have lost loved ones this week to...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
An Apple A Day
Having been ensconced in my windowless basement home office for nigh on six weeks of isolation now, I am beginning to feel like Sméagol transforming into...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
The Serious Business of Joy
Joy seems to be a rare commodity these days. In the good old days, of even a few weeks ago, we happily pursued our joy. We had upcoming trips, a night at the...
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report April 16
Hello Chestermere-Strathmore! A very blessed Easter, Vaisakhi, and Passover to you this past and upcoming week. I know that it has been very difficult to be...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
The Long Wait
Our history has two threads that run through it; the threads of patience and impatience. Threads that mark our response to waiting. We all remember when...
Columnists - Steve King
Is your dog a lefty?
In the human world, 90% of people are right handed and 10% left handed. But what about dogs? A 2006 study from the University of Manchester in England showed...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Easter Beer
Easter weekend has just passed us by, marking the end of the season of Lent. The more devout readers in the audience may have spent the 40 days of Lent...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
International Whisk(e)y Day
This past March 27 was a day filled with both solemnity and mirth, as well as no small amount of whisky. For those not in the know, March 27 was the 12th...
Columnists - Baljinder Sull
Mindfulness for Mental Health
It has been a difficult few weeks in this world of physical distancing and isolation. Routines have changed, and people are attempting to establish a new...