Talking to others is a kind of dance towards deeper trust and respect. How we talk requires a lot of attention and care that our mind calculates, on the fly...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Trying On New Words
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Up Your Alley
Change is afoot in the Alberta beer scene. Faithful readers may recall that Calgary-based Wild Rose Brewery was acquired by megabrewer Sleeman Brewing last...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Big Leagues For Banded Peak
Faithful readers may recall that Calgary-based Wild Rose Brewery was acquired by megabrewer Sleeman Brewing last summer, and that I had made a prediction that...
Columnists - Steve King
Dogs’ dental hygiene
Ever since I was a wee lad, I have conscientiously brushed my teeth twice a day. The result of doing so is that I’ve had a pretty good track record over the...
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report February 13
Hello Chestermere Anchor readers! I hope you had an amazing week, and enjoyed the warm weather before we head back into a bit of a cold spell. I want to start...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
I was in Saskatoon last week and met a friend who had something very special to show me. He took me to a quiet wintery park with a bag of mixed nuts and seeds...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Regular readers may recall me waxing poetic about Happy Belly Kombucha, a Chestermere-owned business that was one of the first entrants into the Kombucha...
Columnists - Steve King
Dogs de-stressing students
Whenever I visit a new school that is interested in having the Community Therapy Dog Society (CTDS) program, the first question I ask the Principal is “what is...
Columnists - Martin Shields
New session of parliament
The House of Commons is back in session, and as a member of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition I can guarantee that there will be no free ride for the Trudeau...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Practice Presence
This week I had a chance to visit Englewood, a neighbourhood in transition on the south side of Chicago. Englewood has been known for its crime and poverty...